A bit about me…

I grew up on a farm-like lot of land, which Aussies call “paddocks.” We had 16 goats at one time! Despite my Dad’s efforts to fence them in, those crafty goats would always find a way out. Growing up with goats as pets was a little unusual, but guaranteed plenty of adventure.

My earliest memories of writing were in grade four, when I attempted to write my first “serious” story. My teacher told me I was a “good little writer,” which made me feel very proud! Later in life, my very first children’s book got published, called, “The Magic Pot.” Well actually, that story got published by one of my brothers! He had found my primary school writings and illustrations on double-lined paper in an old box. My brother lovingly self-published it; illustrations and all. Then he mailed it to me as a Christmas present, and what a surprising gift it was! But his thoughtful gesture had made an impact, and reignited a desire in me to write.

I am also inspired by children’s vivid imaginations; like how they want to be animals or creatures of all sorts. One day, my son Ethan asked me, “Mommy, can you turn me into a dragon? I don’t want to be human, I really, really want to be a dragon!” He was serious. It was a challenging question for me to answer. I didn't want to put a damper on his passion to be a dragon, so I replied, “Then be a dragon in your dreams. Because, you can be anything in your dreams.” For some of us, dreams become reality. History has proven this time and time again. Many of my books have dreams, fantasy themes or sleep contexts in them as a result. Having a dream is like having access to an endless fountain of energy and inspiration; making every waking day exciting. Having dreams makes life compelling and magical.

I hope you have dreams that make your days special. And, I hope that my stories bring you and your children moments of sweetness, joy, inspiration, and closeness.

Jacqueline Ruth